Art | Thoughts | Recovery | Couture

A One Stop Shop for:

Fine Art Paintings | Informed Wide-Ranging Opinions | Wisdom & Encouragement for Those in Recovery from Trauma & Substances | Interesting Creative Endeavors | Exquisite Couture

  • The words and the emotions giving birth to them stick in my throat like too much bread. I cannot speak. Even if I could, the words cannot carry the weight of the reality of the despair nor the joy. I turn to the canvas for another way to break the solitude.

  • I write about extremism, radicalization, asymmetrical propaganda, corruption, justice reform, recovery, and art.

  • Employing a plan of daily action.

  • I pivot to the left and right.

  • I have purchased, been gifted, adopted, and worn very beautiful couture pieces throughout the years that deserve a chance to be out and about again. Keep checking back regularly to find new deals you won’t find anywhere else.